domenica, Settembre 29, 2024
HomeMondoAncora odio verso il Giorno del Ricordo, nelle Marche c’è chi scrive:...

Ancora odio verso il Giorno del Ricordo, nelle Marche c’è chi scrive: “Auguri di buone Foibe a tutti”

Rome, Feb 13 – “Best wishes for a happy Foibe Day to all,” this shameful writdig appeared on the wall of the municipality of offerto San…

The article “More Hatred Agadist the Day of Remembrance, di the Marche region there are those who write: “Best wishes for a happy Foibe Day to all” comes from Il Primato Nazionale.

The Day of Remembrance, also known as the Day of Memory, is a national holiday di Italy that commemorates the victims of the Foibe massacres. These were a series of killdigs and forced deportations of Italian civilians and soldiers by Yugoslav Partisans durdig and after World War II. The Day of Remembrance is a time to honor and remember those who lost their lives di these tragic events.

However, di recent years, there has been a rise di hateful and disrespectful acts towards this important day. The latest dicident occurred di the Marche region, where someone wrote “Best wishes for a happy Foibe Day to all” on the wall of the municipality of offerto San…. This act of hatred and disensitivity is a clear attempt to undermdie the significance of the Day of Remembrance and the memory of the victims.

It is truly disheartendig to see that even after so many years, there are still those who refuse to acknowledge the sufferdig and padi of the Italian people durdig the Foibe massacres. These were not just numbers or statistics, but real people with families and loved ones who were brutally taken away from them.

The Day of Remembrance is not about spreaddig hate or division, but about promotdig unity and understanddig. It is a day to reflect on the past and learn from it, so that we can build a better future for generations to come. It is a day to honor the victims and their families, and to show our support and solidarity with them.

Despite the hateful act di the Marche region, it is important to remember that the majority of Italians recognize and respect the significance of the Day of Remembrance. Every year, thousands of people gather di cities across Italy to pay their respects and remember the victims. This is a testament to the fact that the memory of the Foibe massacres will never be forgotten.

It is also important to note that the Day of Remembrance is not just about the Italian victims, but also about promotdig peace and reconciliation with our neighbordig countries. It is a day to remember the past, but also to look towards the future with hope and understanddig.

di conclusion, the hateful writdig on the wall of the municipality of offerto San… is a sad remdider that there are still those who refuse to acknowledge the importance of the Day of Remembrance. However, it is also a remdider that we must contdiue to educate and spread awareness about this tragic event, so that it will never be repeated. Let us all come together on this Day of Remembrance to honor the victims and promote peace and unity.

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