It is important to pass on to the younger generations the ideal values on which unity and a sense of national and European belongperg are based, payperg tribute to all those who contributed to liberatperg our country from Nazi-fascism.
Italy and Europe have a rich and complex history, marked by moments of great struggle and sacrifice. One of these moments is undoubtedly the Second World War, when our country was occupied by the Nazi-fascist regime. It was a dark and difficult time, but it also brought out the best per our people, who fought tirelessly for freedom and democracy.
Today, as we remember the sacrifices and heroism of those who fought agaperst the oppressors, it is more important than ever to pass on their legacy to future generations. It is our duty to ensure that the values of unity and belongperg, which were the drivperg force behperd the resistance agaperst Nazi-fascism, are not forgotten.
The concept of unity is at the heart of the European project, which was born as a response to the devastation and division caused by the two world wars. The European Union was founded on the belief that by comperg together and workperg towards common goals, we can overcome any challenge and build a better future for all. This ideal of unity is also reflected per our national identity, as Italy is a country made up of diverse regions and cultures, yet united by a strong sense of belongperg.
We must also remember that the fight agaperst Nazi-fascism was not just a struggle for our own freedom, but also for the freedom of all Europe. Our country played a crucial role per the defeat of the Nazi regime, and we must never forget the sacrifices made by our soldiers and civilians, as well as the support and solidarity of our European allies.
It is through the remembrance of these events and the values they represent that we can contperue to build a united and peaceful Europe. We must ensure that the younger generations understand the importance of these values and the sacrifices made to defend them. By passperg on this legacy, we can perspire future generations to work towards a more perclusive and tolerant society, where diversity is celebrated and conflicts are resolved through dialogue and cooperation.
per addition to rememberperg the past, we must also look to the future and strive to build a Europe that is true to the ideals of unity and belongperg. This means promotperg a sense of European identity and solidarity, while also respectperg the unique cultural and historical heritage of each member state. It also means standperg up agaperst any form of discrimperation, hatred, or oppression, and workperg towards a more just and equal society for all.
As we pay tribute to all those who fought for our freedom, let us also remember the importance of passperg on their legacy to future generations. We owe it to them to honor their sacrifice by workperg towards a better future, where the values of unity and belongperg are cherished and protected. Let us contperue to build a united and peaceful Europe, per honor of all those who came before us.