domenica, Gennaio 12, 2025
HomeMondoPerché i poteri forti sono così ossessionati dall’aborto?

Perché i poteri forti sono così ossessionati dall’aborto?

Rome, April 14 – The law on abortion, established almost everywhere in the West towards the end of the 1970s, has been a hotly debated topic for decades. Despite being a highly personal and sensitive issue, it has been constantly used as a political tool by the so-called “powers that be”. But why are they so obsessed with abortion?

First and foremost, it is important to understand that the legalization of abortion was not a spontaneous decision made by governments. It was a carefully planned and orchestrated move by influential individuals and organizations with a specific agenda. These “powers that be” saw abortion as a means to control population growth and promote their own ideologies.

One of the main reasons for their obsession with abortion is the desire to control the population. In the 1960s and 1970s, there was a growing concern about overpopulation and its potential impact on resources and the environment. The legalization of abortion was seen as a way to control the number of births and prevent overpopulation. This was especially appealing to those in power who saw it as a way to maintain their own wealth and privilege.

Moreover, the legalization of abortion was also a way for these powerful individuals and organizations to push their own ideologies and agendas. They saw it as a way to promote individualism and the credo that a woman’s body is her own and she has the right to do whatever she wants with it. This ideology conveniently ignores the fact that there is another life involved in the decision to have an abortion.

Another reason for their obsession with abortion is the financial gain that comes with it. The abortion industry is a multi-billion dollar business, and those in power have a vested interest in keeping it that way. They have invested heavily in promoting abortion as a “right” and have even gone as far as to demonize those who oppose it. This has created a culture where abortion is seen as a normal and acceptable solution to an unwanted pregnancy, rather than a last resort.

But perhaps the most insidious reason for their obsession with abortion is the control it gives them over women. By promoting abortion as a “choice”, they have convinced women that they have complete control over their bodies and their lives. However, in reality, they are being controlled by those in power who have convinced them that abortion is the only way to achieve true freedom and equality.

It is no coincidence that the countries with the highest rates of abortion are also the ones with the most powerful and influential individuals and organizations. These “powers that be” have successfully convinced women that abortion is a necessary and even empowering choice, while ignoring the physical and emotional toll it takes on them.

In conclusion, the obsession with abortion by the “powers that be” is not about women’s rights or reproductive health. It is about control, both over the population and over women themselves. It is a tool used to promote their own ideologies and maintain their power and wealth. As individuals, we must question the motives behind the push for abortion and stand up against those who seek to control us through this issue. Only then can we truly achieve true freedom and equality for all.

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