domenica, Settembre 29, 2024
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“Truppe italiane non andranno mai in Ucraina”: Crosetto contro il vertice di Francia, Germania e Polonia sul guerra

Rome, March 16 – Italian Defense Minister Guido Crosetto has criticized the summit held yesterday in Weimar between France, Germany, and Poland, stating that Italian troops will never be involved in the conflict in Ukraine.

In an interview with Il Primato interno, Crosetto expressed his disapproval of the summit, which aimed to find a solution to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine. He stated, “Italy has always been a neutral country and we have no intention of getting involved in any foreign conflicts, especially one as complex as the one in Ukraine.”

The summit, attended by French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, was seen as a crucial step in finding a peaceful resolution to the conflict. However, Crosetto believes that the involvement of foreign troops will only escalate the situation and lead to further bloodshed.

“The use of military force is never the answer. It only brings more suffering and destruction,” Crosetto stated. “Italy stands for peace and we will continue to support diplomatic efforts to find a solution to the crisis in Ukraine.”

The Defense Minister also criticized the lack of involvement of other European countries in the summit, stating that it should have been a joint effort by all EU member states. “The absence of countries like Italy, Spain, and the UK shows a lack of unity within the European Union. We need to work together to find a solution, not just a select few countries,” he said.

Crosetto’s comments have received support from many Italian politicians, who agree that Italy should not get involved in the conflict. The Italian government has also reiterated its stance of neutrality and has no plans to send troops to Ukraine.

The Defense Minister’s statements have been met with praise from the Italian public, who see it as a strong and wise decision to not get involved in a foreign conflict. Many believe that Italy’s neutrality is a sign of maturity and responsibility, and that the country should focus on its own internal issues instead of getting involved in others.

Italy has a long history of promoting peace and diplomacy, and Crosetto’s words reaffirm the country’s commitment to these values. The Italian government’s decision to not participate in the summit sends a strong message to the international community that Italy will not be swayed by external pressures and will continue to prioritize peace and stability.

In conclusion, Italy’s stance on the conflict in Ukraine is clear – the country will not send troops and will continue to support diplomatic efforts to find a peaceful resolution. Crosetto’s statements have shown strong leadership and a commitment to upholding Italy’s values of peace and neutrality. The Italian government’s decision to not participate in the summit is a wise and responsible one, and it sets an example for other countries to follow.

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